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The Olive

Aceitunas Jope

From ancient times the olive tree has been considered as symbol of wisdom, peace and glory. Our ancestors knew the existence of this tree and the wonderful qualities of its fruits, the olive.

Along history the olive tree became one of the traditional cultures of our country.

Extremadura is the second region in production of olives in Spain. Tierra de Barros, in the province of Badajoz, is the area where the delicious "manzanillas" -a variety of small olives- are grown. They are looked after with great care througout the whole process. Blossoming time takes place between May and June. After the flower is fecundated the olive reaches its maximun development at the end of September. Once it gets the ripeness required it is harvested at the beginning of October.

The industrial sector of "olives for seasoning" in Tierra de Barros is very dinamic, with modern facilities equipped with advanced technology for processing, fermenting, classification, tinninig and bottling.

Once the olives get to the factories, the making process goes from resting to lose humidity, and eliminating the bitter glucosids (oleuropeina), to putting them in brine. There a lactic fermentation takes place that, after many and rigorous controls, results in a totally natural product, ready to eat.

The manzanilla olive from the province of Badajoz belongs to Group A in Exports. So, as regards quality, it is one of the most important table olives in the world. Its "Spanish style" green seasoning, makes the "Olive Spain" well-known for all.

Apart from its extraordinary organoletic qualities, the manzanilla olive its of medium size -two or three hundred fruits per kilo- shaped like an apple, fine skin and excelent pulp texture. Light green colour with small whitish spots. Its stone is long and small. The skin and pulp of this olive is perfectly digestible. A food of high fibre and no cholesterol (we must not forget that the olives is the origin of olive oil, the basis of the Mediterranean Diet)